Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Post Marriage Counseling

My brother is always happiest when he is out and about skating or on two wheels. He treats both almost like something spiritual as if they are activities tethered to the principles of progression and growth. The past few weeks have not been an easy go for him. It seems like shooting photos of each other doing crazy stuff has always been one of our favorite activities, (it is usually me behind the camera more than doing anything too gnarly) and I think shooting him on this monster trail gap yesterday perked up his spirits a bit. Especially when he saw the photos. I love my family and I love my brother, he lives more than anyone else I know. He has always supported me in photography, almost like some sort of frontier missionary he taught me how to skate and snowboard and do just almost everything else I take any sort of pride in. Here's to many more photos and many more sessions of it all.


Justin Caldwell said...

Great shots.

Give Jeff my best.

Sarah said...

he's cute!

Chris Detrick said...

cool pics. did you also jump the gap?