Thursday, December 27, 2007

Opening Act @ NFR

This is for Sarah Kaye, she likes is one.


Sarah Kaye said...

Wow. I need to take a gymnastics class...

Mike, this is the last comment I'm making on your blog until you make one on mine. I've had it with this one-sided commenting. And no, one comment every 3 months does not cut it. I realize I haven't commented in a while, but if you add up all of mine compared to yours, there is quite a discrepancy. Thanks for the pics, though. Signing out...

Mike Terry said...

ok...I started to actually feel bad, but lets look at your blog. Since early November you have made a total of four posts, two of which I have left you comments, thats 50%. Your last post, excluding today was over twenty days ago. I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed my friend. If we look at this blog, since November 1, I have made 47 posts, if you were trending near a one sided comment, that means you would have had to comment 23 and a half times since the beginning of November...go ahead,..argue with Mathematics...i dare you. HAH!

Sarah Kaye said...

Dear Mike,

Read my blog.

