Funeral for Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley, 15th President of the LDS Church

Somewhere in the lens of a camera, between the glasses, there is a shield that facilitates detachment only until the shoot is over. The previous Sunday evening after I heard the news of his passing I wasn't sad necessarily, therefore I was not expecting the rush of whatever it is that rolls through heavy hearts and minds as I walked back to the office following the services. I made my way back and thought of his influence in my life, as well as the church's influence growing up. I hadn't felt anything extraordinary throughout the services but on the way home, after the pictures had been taken, I felt extremely grateful for my family and the family of the church, that I have been part of over the course of my life. I am not a perfect example of a Mormon, but I have met some who are, and these have affected my life for the positive. Of all the things I remember President Hinckley speaking on, the message of optimism and inclusion are those I remember best. We are family, so very similar and full of similar needs. Although the preferences and behaviors of this family differ, we are responsible for finding and celebrating the value in one another. To all of us, the members of this family; Mormon or other, who are each coming to terms with life and it's purpose, can find something to take from such a message. I am very glad I was able to cover the funeral, and very grateful for the positive feelings I felt. Even if they were delayed due to the glass in a lens.
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