Thursday, July 22, 2010


Had my first rodeo of the year the other day and I feel like this piece of rope sticking up out of the dirt...weird. It was nice to see familiar faces and soak in the periphery of the rodeo for an evening, but the photos I brought home weren't really what I'd hoped. Perhaps I have been to so many over the past few years I am not seeing like I used to, things aren't jumping out at me like they used to behind the chutes or as soon as the light turned nice. That seems to be the real test of a good photographer is the one that can continue to find within the familiar.


books said...

nice pictures

Lin said...

The rope looks like a flower blooming amongst all that dirt. It's like finding peace or gentleness in all that rough and tumble.

There are times when my photos reflect my mood. I find myself asking "Am I searching for meaning in this?" and so the photos somehow make sense then. There are days when my photos are just lovely and there are others when I find a story or meaning in the shots.

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