Saturday, October 13, 2007

Shandelee Road: Youngsville, New York

My project at Eddie Adams was "Environmental Portraits". I was really stoked because I haven't always felt very confident in that area. It probably shows with the pictures above, but I felt like I did learn a little more, at least learned from struggling. A common maxim of the workshop was that we learn more from our failures than our successes and as corny as it might sound it is quite accurate, at least for me. I decided to choose one road near the workshop and go door to door and explain that I was trying to gather images strictly from one street, to show either the diversity or hegemony of that particular space in the universe. I met some of the nicest, most colorful people and Shandelee Road in Youngsville, New York. Here are a few of my favorites.


Chaunté Vaughn said...

nice. i can't wait to see the Goth Prom pics!

Rupeshow said...

mike, this is davis ngarupe... from the mission. i was leaving chaunte a comment on her blog when i saw you had just left her one. coincidence... probably, but it was still awesome. love your photos man.

christy said...

mike these are some of my favorites, i just try to make up in my head how the conversation between these people went... hi i'm mike, can i take a picture of your face? -christy

calanan said...

"...I haven't always felt very confident in that area. It probably shows with the pictures above..."

How wrong you are, these are wonderful!

Sarah Kaye said...

The first photo of the three guys is one of my favorite pics you've ever shot. I'm not really sure why, but it sucks me in. So good.